Application - Prometheus Offer

Please file your application!

Where the applicant is most/permanently established...
Name of the company you are acting for if applicable or your postal address
select one option
Summ up your invention in one phrase
Specify what are the technical problems and drawbacks of the product or system of the prior art (that you are not facing with your solution)

– Offer limited to Continental Europe, UK, CH;
– Monthly selections;
– Minimum 10 applicants, (if not, applications of neighboring countries would be combined together).

Indicative Examples of Selection Criteria:
– The invention involves a major technical advance;
– The invention is ready to be exploited on a large scale;
– The invention affects a large number of people;
– The invention goes against a vanquished technical prejudice;
– The invention has very few satisfactory alternatives in the state of the art;
– The invention will probably involve a must-have product in the near future;