#ProfitIP – Profitability of Industrial Property (YIC)

As for the RTC and the ITC already presented, the ” Young Innovative Company” legal system is an interesting tax tool to limit IP expenses and to exploit the commercial and legal advantages inherent to the related rights (without neglecting the communication and marketing efforts needed to make substantial profits from these rights).

Young Innovative Company (YIC)

-SME (less than 250 employees whose turnover is less than 50M € or whose balance sheet total is less than 43M €);
-with an activity of less 8 years;
– owned at more than 50% by individuals, a single SME, financing companies or the like, research organizations, YIC;
– of which at least 15% of expenses correspond to R&D expenses.

The request must be made to the tax authorities and evaluated at the end of the financial year.

Legal system:
Exemptions up to € 200,000
-100% of corporate tax on the first exercise;
-50% of corporate tax on the second year;
-100% of employers’ social contributions (salaries of CEOs, researchers, technicians …);
– (depending on the City) 100% property tax and corporate city tax (CFE).

In comparison, the YIC is more restrictive, but more financially attractive than the ITC (potentially € 80,000).
The most interesting is the RTC (potentially more than 30 000 000 €).

The request must be made in the form of a sworn declaration to be submitted to the regional or departmental directorate of public finances. No declaration is to be made to Urssaf. The company applies the exemption on the summary statement of contributions.


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