Entries by admin

#ProfitIP – The values of French and English brands

The previous publication reports the Forbes 2018 of brand ranking according to the values ofthe marks. The ranking can be viewed on this link. The ranking shows the backwardness of French and English companies in the technological fields, or consumer products. The first brand of the ranking is Apple with a value of 182 billion dollars. […]

#ProfitIP – Profitability of Industrial Property (YIC)

As for the RTC and the ITC already presented, the ” Young Innovative Company” legal system is an interesting tax tool to limit IP expenses and to exploit the commercial and legal advantages inherent to the related rights (without neglecting the communication and marketing efforts needed to make substantial profits from these rights). Young Innovative […]

#ProfitIP – Profitability of IP (ITC)

As with the research tax credit (RTC) already presented in a previous post, the innovation tax credit is another tax tool that can offset the high costs that patent expenses can represent for a good return on the patent portfolio (combined with communication and marketing efforts). Innovation Tax Credit (ITC) Beneficiaries: SMEs with less than […]

#IPBasics – Trademarks

In the same was as for patents and design rights, the trademark rights is a title deed, with the particularity of protecting a distinctive sign for the designated products and / or services. As a tite deed / right, it enters the company’s assets and significantly affects its valuation. The case law concerning what can […]

#ProfitIP – Profitability of IP (RTC)

In view of the high costs that patent expenses can represent, in addition to marketing efforts, it is important to use tax tools in order to have a good profitability of the patent portfolio. Research tax credit (RTC) Beneficiaries: Companies of any status subject to companies tax (IS) or income tax (IR). Elligible expenses: Expenses […]

#IPBasics – Patent of invention

As well as for Trademarks and design rights, a patent is a title deed, with the particularity of protecting a technical innovation. As a title deed, it is part of the company’s assets and significantly affects its valuation. The caselaw concerning the technical nature is abundant. Schematically, a claimed object is legally considered technical when […]